Using articles properly is one of the most important and most often overlooked areas of study when working to Make English Your Second Language. Know this: when a student truly understands the proper use of articles and prepositions – their grammar will come very close to perfection.
Category Archives: ESL Videos
Prepositions & Vacuuming
There are a large number of prepositions in the English and they are absolutely necessary. One of the best things about them is that they drive the grammar. If you use propositions properly – your grammar will be perfect.
In the Kitchen – Make and Do
This is the second video to be posted, but at this time they are not being presented in a specific order. As we move toward the seminars that may change. Until then we hope this information on the use of Make and Do is helpful in your English studies.
Count and Non-Count – Salad Making
This is the first of many videos that will be available here. All videos are free and you are welcome to share them with your friends, or better than that – just share the website:)